Edition anglaise
February 2011 - n° 737
The arms budget: a factor of power? - Georges Le Guelte
The author analyses the correlation that exists between the power of a state and the percentage of GDP that it allocates to its arms budget. Looking beyond public funding aspects, he sets out to measure this correlation by describing the discussion processes that govern both operational and symbolic aspects and the pressures arising from industrial policy and defence savings; he also explores the European factor. In so doing he restores military action to its rightful place amongst current strategic tensions.
Defining Europe's strategic identity - Jean Dufourcq
If we are to address the ‘arc of crisis’ referred to in the White Paper, we must re-examine the way we configure Europe’s strategic space: consolidate regional good-neighbourliness, strengthen the geopolitical legibility of the European continent and redefine the power play to be employed by the EU between the Atlantic Alliance, the Eurasian pact and Mediterranean policy.
Mediterranean and Middle East 2011: regime crises - Fadi Assaf
This highly detailed overview of the strategic postures adopted by Middle Eastern and North African countries reveals clearly that the uncertainty and political instability that characterise them arise directly from the leadership crises or institutional instabilities that burden the many generations who follow each other in government.